Friday, 19 July 2013

Welcome to the An Oige Cork/Kerry blog!!

We intend to post as much info about upcoming cycling events and weekends away that are happening in Cork.

At the moment the Thursday evening cycles are taking place each week from the Opera House in Cork, leaving at 7pm so be there or be square.

I'll be re-posting emails the great Mr. Aodhan Quinlan sends out and if you wish to contact him regarding these cycles or our big cycle coming up in November, which I'll give more details about later, please feel free to do so.

So as follows-

Hi all,

There is only ONE cycle next Thursday July 25th.

This is basically a commemoration to our great friend
In An Óige, Cork - Kerry group, Ken Patrick, R.I.P. 2002.  

This is it. 

Meet at the Opera House before 7 pm.

Cycle out via Blackpool and up Dublin Hill.
Turn off LEFT at 'the Black Man' pub (An Fear Gorm)

Left again - to visit Ken's grave in Kilcully cemetery.
Leave - and cycle to Carrig- na-bhFear outdoor heated swimming
Pool, swim - 7.30pm onwards and bar -b-que - from 8p.m. On - here.

Can sing - or play a small musical instrument - bring it. 
Dymphna Geaney who will organise the b.b.q. for us here - said
Ken used always organise a sing song out there with us. 
COST - of the swim and b.b.q. - is €5.00. If you do not swim,
Please contribute the above anyway, it is a small, community run pool,
And great value B.B.Q. 
SO - swim suit, bike, sense of fun,
ENJOY burgers, sausages, minerals - and all the fun of the fair.

RETURN - direct to city, or make it longer, and cycle on to Whitechurch.

Distance - 20km - or 28km via Whitechurch.

Leader - Aodhán Quinlan 087 - 2171752


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